During our forthcoming AGM on 31st January 2017 we will be asked to re-affirm our “Governing Documents”. There are two of them: our Constitution and our Aims & Ojectives. What they are about is self explanatory, but they are important; they govern how we are structured, what we want to achieve and how we should go about it. Please read them by clicking on the icon or the title along-side of it. If there are any changes you think are merited then please advise a committee member, or contact the site administrator via the Contact Us page of this website, in order that the proposal can be put on the agenda for discussion the meeting.
C-Side is not primarily a fund-raising charity, but we do need some cash to keep going and paying for those little things that make meetings more enjoyable and occassionally celebratory. To see how we’ve spent our money this past year then please look at a summary of our accounts.
C-side Constitution
C-Side Aims and Objectives